Book Review: We Were Liars by E. Lockhart


We Were Liars by E. Lockhart is the perfect mystery for those who enjoy books that will keep them hooked until the very end. It took me a while to get into the story in the beginning, but I finished it and found it to be worth the read. It is a combination of mystery, family secrets, and a touch of romance. 

The story revolves around a girl named Cadence Sinclair who comes from a very privileged wealthy family. She spends her summer on a private island owned by her grandfather, Harris Sinclair, who has control over the power and privilege that comes with wealth. Her two aunts, Carrie and Bessie along with her cousins all meet on the island during the summer. She spends her days with her cousins Mirren and Johnny along with Gat who is Carrie’s boyfriends nephew. Gat is indian and he has been coming to the island for a few years now. This allows the four to have a very close-knit bond with each other. But over the years, Gat and Cadence’s relationship grows deeper, leading to tensions with her grandfather due to their different backgrounds. 

The aunts began to rival against each other about the inheritance. They use their kids to win the favor of their grandfather, especially Mirren, Johnny, and Cadence. Cadence is constantly reminded by her mother not to make a scene and to hide her feelings, to smile even in times she doesn’t want to. Even through a history of divorce, drugs, death, and rivalries, they are forced to put a smile on their face because they are the Sinclairs. 

Two years later, Cadence returns to the island with her hair died black. During one summer, something traumatic occurs that leaves Cadence with amnesia. She returns to the island determined to uncover the truth of what happened. As she reconnects with her cousins, Mirren and Johnny, and her close friend, Gat, fragments of memory start to resurface. She keeps asking questions, but her family refuses to give her answers. This is where the mystery begins. You will start to wonder what happened that summer and why she is unable to remember. 

- Yelina Lee


  1. Oooh, this sounds super interesting. I'm really curious about what happened that summer and how the dynamics of these characters are. When I was younger I read a different book about a boy with amnesia who has to slowly piece together what happened and I really liked it so i'm interested on how the amnesia storyline plays out in this book. I will definitely look into reading this book. Thanks for the great review!

  2. This book sounds so interesting! I'm curious about the mystery and why Cadence is unable to remember. The way you introduce the relationships of the characters and the bonds they have is so engaging. I will definitely have to check it out!

  3. Hi Yelina! Aaaaa the suspense! I love mystery books and the way you described this book makes it sound really interesting. I'm going to read this book for sure. Nice blogpost!


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